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We only watch Netflix. Do we need a TV licence?
We only watch Netflix. Do we need a TV licence?
Elle avatar
Written by Elle
Updated over a week ago

If you ever watch live sport or catch up on any BBC programmes then you need a licence. We find it’s best practice to have one to cover your backs, as if an officer inspects your property and any one of your housemates are watching live TV then you’re liable for a £1000 fine.

You definitely need a TV Licence if:

  1. You watch or stream live TV as it is aired, on any device (TV, laptop, phone or tablet).
    eg. you watch Love Island at 9pm on ITV Hub as it’s being broadcast.

  2. You record live TV but you watch it later.
    eg. you use Sky to record Love Island at 9pm, but you watch it the next day

  3. You watch any BBC programme on BBC iPlayer
    e.g You watch Line of Duty on TV or BBC iPlayer after it’s been shown on TV

You don’t need a TV Licence if:

  1. You only watch on-demand and catch up channels, such as Netflix or NowTv

  2. You watch live TV from a device that is powered by its own batteries and your parents’ have a TV licence
    eg. you watch TV on your phone or laptop that is not plugged into the wall to charge

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